Error: Exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'and Anzeige_Bis >= adddate(now() , 0)
and Anzeige_ab <= now()
O' at line 7 query:
SELECT distinct b.*
FROM HH_Bilder as b, HH_Haus_Lief_Zuord as z
((z.HNR = 82965 and z.ausblenden = 0 and b.LNR = z.LNR) or (b.HNR = 82965))
and b.geeignet_Slieder = 1
and b.Sortiment=
and Anzeige_Bis >= adddate(now() , 0)
and Anzeige_ab <= now()
ORDER BY RAND(), b.Erstellungsdatum desc
(in /home/websites/h_homepages/global/generator/_class/MysqliDb.php line 1498)
#0 /home/websites/h_homepages/global/generator/_class/MysqliDb.php(388): MysqliDb->_prepareQuery()
#1 /home/websites/h_homepages/global/generator/_class/Haendler.php(201): MysqliDb->rawQuery('????SELECT dist...')
#2 /home/websites/h_homepages/global/generator/main.php(232): Haendler->getSliderImagesSortimentById(Object(MysqliDb), '82965',
This error message was shown because: site is in debug mode. ($config->debug = true; => /site/config.php). Error has been logged.